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Is There a Case for Industrial Policy? A Critical Survey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
What are the underlying rationales for industrial policy? Doesempirical evidence support the use of industrial policy forcorrecting market failures that plague the process of industrialization?This article addresses these questions through a critical surveyof the analytical literature on industrial policy. It also reviewssome recent industry successes and argues that public interventionshave played only a limited role. Moreover, the recent ascendanceand dominance of international production networks in the sectorsin which developing countries once had considerable successimplies a further limitation on the potential role of industrialpolicies as traditionally understood. Overall, there appearsto be little empirical support for an activist government policyeven though market failures exist that can, in principle, justifythe use of industrial policy.   相似文献   
构建和谐社会背景下的医疗保障制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前的医疗保障制度已经成为我国和谐社会建立的阻碍因素之一,通过探究我国当前医疗保障制度中不利于和谐社会建立的主要因素,提出构建和谐社会的医疗保障体系的有效路径,医疗费用结算方式从追溯性结算转为预算性支付,从而加强对医疗机构的成本控制和有效激励;建立公共——私人组合方式共同作为供方的医疗保障体系;城市医疗反哺农村医疗。  相似文献   
Many of the smaller private‐sector Chinese companies in their entrepreneurial growth stage are now being funded by Chinese venture capital (VC) and private equity (PE) firms. In contrast to western VC markets, where institutional investors such as pension funds and endowments have been the main providers of capital, in China most capital for domestic funds has come from private business owners and high net worth individuals. As relatively new players in the market who are less accustomed to entrusting their capital to fund managers for a lengthy period of time, Chinese VCs and their investors have shown a shorter investment horizon and demanded a faster return of capital and profits. In an attempt to explain this behavior, Paul Gompers and Josh Lerner of Harvard Business School have offered a “grandstanding hypothesis” that focuses on the incentives of younger, less established VCs to push their portfolio companies out into the IPO market as early as they can—and thus possibly prematurely—to establish a track record and facilitate future fundraising. This explanation is supported by the under‐performance of Chinese VC‐backed IPOs that has been documented by the author's recent research. Although they continue to offer significant opportunities for global investors, China's VC and PE markets still face many challenges. The supervisory system and legal environment need further improvement, and Chinese funds need to find a way to attract more institutional investors—a goal that can and likely will be promoted through government inducements.  相似文献   
It is rare that an outsider gets a chance to assess the performance of the Civil Service. But the report of the Tribunal set up to inquire into the Crown Agents provides just such an opportunity. A close reading of its 604 pages, along with previous reports, provides some fascinating, but disturbing, insights into human and organisational failings.  相似文献   
农村集中居住是我国乡村振兴战略背景下地方政府推进的一项重大政策,在促进城乡融合发展的同时应着力防范化解政策执行中的潜在风险。文章选择以江苏省北部地区实践和下辖G集中居住社区民众为研究对象,采用扎根理论研究方法,挖掘并提炼该项政策实施背后的系列风险要素,包括土地风险、生计风险、心理风险和地方管理风险。研究表明,这些风险的现实存在对农村集中居住政策的实施构成了隐性影响,其衍生和演化反映了我国城镇化加速背景下涉农政策运行的复杂性特征,需要地方政府予以重视和回应。以农村可持续发展为指引,尊重农民主体意愿、健全补偿机制、完善公共服务与保障供给、强化产业配套是化解农村集中居住政策风险的关键施政方向。  相似文献   
本文借助重心分析方法考察了我国制造业的空间分布及变化特征。研究发现:(1)从制造业空间分布的变动方向来看,1980年以来我国制造业在空间分布上总体呈现南下东进特点,但是,2003年后,我国部分制造业呈现北上西进特征;(2)从制造业空间分布的区域来看,目前我国大部分制造业主要集聚在东南沿海地区;(3)从区域分布的制造业属性来看,东南沿海地区劳动密集型制造业集聚更为明显,而资源依赖型制造业更多分布在北部和中西部地区。本文也对我国制造业上述空间分布及变化特征做出了解释,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
金融市场调控需要强化资本市场与货币市场之间的联动。以我国货币市场短期银行间同业拆借利率为例,运用面板数据模型与格兰杰因果关系检验方法实证研究股票价格对货币市场利率的影响。研究表明:短期银行间同业拆借利率对“上证”和“深证”A股与B股股票价格指数的反应系数不一样;“上证”B股、“深证”A股和B股股票价格指数部分是短期银行间同业拆借利率的格兰杰原因,而“上证”A股股票价格指数均不是短期银行间同业拆借利率的格兰杰原因。因此,在利率市场化背景下,为防范股票价格波动引起的货币市场利率风险,应重点关注“上证”B股、“深证”A股和B股股票市场的稳定性。  相似文献   
税收政策是各国激励慈善捐赠的重要手段。我国实施的税收激励政策包括针对慈善组织和针对捐赠人两类,目前存在享受税收优惠的慈善组织范围小、税种缺陷缺失以及纳税人税收抵扣手续烦琐等问题,针对这些问题,可以分别从扩大慈善组织受惠范围、开征遗产税与赠与税、完善相关税种以及简化税收抵扣程序等方面进行健全,促进慈善捐赠的发展。  相似文献   
利率政策主要通过保险承保业务和投资业务对保险业产生影响。为研究我国保险业务对利率政策的反应,运用面板数据模型、格兰杰因果关系检验、脉冲响应函数和方差分解分析方法。实证检验表明:财产保险和人寿保险承保业务和投资业务对利率政策工具的反应系数不一样;利率政策工具并不全是保险承保业务和投资业务的格兰杰原因;对利率政策工具的冲击,保险承保业务和投资业务的响应不一样,利率政策工具对其影响的贡献度也不一样。最后提出几点规避保险业务利率风险的政策建议。  相似文献   
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